Conceptual Mathematics

Unique up to Unique Isomorphism

This is a story about how ‘a’ gets to be ‘the’.  Mathematics is, in a sense, about understanding something known until all traces of surprise are extinguished (yes, I don’t like surprises ;)

We all know that

2 x 1 = 2

and if we are asked ‘what, if any, are the numbers which when multiplied with 2 give 2?’ we readily answer: 1.  In a similar vein, if we are given a map

f: A –> B

and asked ‘what, if any, are the maps which when pre-composed with f give f?’ we, going by the (first or left) identity law of composition of maps

f · 1A = f

(where ‘·’ denotes composition; Conceptual Mathematics, p. 17), answer that the identity map

1A: A –> A

is one such map.  Let us now consider a pair of maps

pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B

(with a common domain P).  What, if any, are the maps to the common domain P which upon pre-composition with the pair of maps (pA, pB) give the pair (pA, pB)?  Once again, we find that the identity map

1P: P –> P

is one such map satisfying both

pA · 1P = pA and pB · 1P = pB

Now, if

P, pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B

is the product of A and B, then, going by the definition of product (Conceptual Mathematics, p. 217), there is exactly one map

q: Q –> P

from the common domain Q of any pair of maps to the factors A, B

qA: Q –> A, qB: Q –> B

to the common domain P of the product projections

pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B

which satisfies both

pA · q = qA and pB · q = qB

Since the pair of product projections

pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B

qualifies as ‘any pair of maps to the factors A, B’ in the above definition of product, there is exactly one map

p: P –> P

which satisfies both

pA · p = pA and pB · p = pB

But we already know, from the identity law we talked about a min ago, of a map

1P: P –> P

which satisfies both

pA · 1P = pA and pB · 1P = pB

So, if there’s going to be only one map

p: P –> P

satisfying both

pA · p = pA and pB · p = pB

then that one map must be

1P: P –> P

This is the key to the following exercise in which we are asked to show that products are unique up to unique isomorphism.

Exercise 12 (Conceptual Mathematics, p. 217):

If (P, pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B) and (Q, qA: Q –> A, qB: Q –> B) are both products of A and B, then the unique map f: P –> Q which satisfies both qA · f = pA and qB · f = pB is an isomorphism.


(Q, qA: Q –> A, qB: Q –> B)

is a product of A and B, then, given any pair of maps to the factors

pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B

with a common domain P, there is exactly one map

f: P –> Q

which satisfies both

qA · f = pA and qB · f = pB

Now, if

(P, pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B)

is a product of A and B, then, given any pair of maps to the factors

qA: Q –> A, qB: Q –> B

with a common domain Q, there is exactly one map

g: Q –> P

which satisfies both

pA · g = qA and pB · g = qB

Next, composing these two maps we get two endomaps

g · f: P –> Q –> P


f · g: Q –> P –> Q

Let’s look at the endomap on P

g · f: P –> P

which we can compose with the pair of projection maps

pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B

to get a pair of maps

pA · (g · f): P –> A, pB · (g · f): P –> B

Let’s see what these maps are:

pA · (g · f) = (pA · g) · f = qA · f = pA

pB · (g · f) = (pB · g) · f = qB · f = pB

Since there is only one map

1P: P –> P

which satisfies both

pA · 1P = pA

pB · 1P = pB

the above endomap (g · f) must be the identity 1P.  Similar reasoning reveals that the other composite (f · g) is the identity 1Q.  Thus the product (P, pA: P –> A, pB: P –> B) of A and B is unique up to unique isomorphism.

Conceptual Mathematics

Equalizer of idempotents

Exercise: If

f = me

is an idempotent satisfying

ff = f


em = 1P

(where ‘∙’ denotes composition), then the section

m: P –> A

is an equalizer of the parallel pair of maps

f, 1A: A –> A

(Conceptual Mathematics, p. 293).

Definition: An equalizer of a parallel pair of maps

f, g: A –> B

is a map

i: X –> A


fi = gi

and every map

j: Y –> A


fj = gj

is uniquely included in

i: X –> A

i.e. there is exactly one map

k: Y –> X

such that

j = ik

To show that

m: P –> A

is an equalizer of

f, 1A: A –> A,


f = me

ff = f

em = 1P,

we have to first show that

fm = 1Am


fm = m

fm = (me) ∙ m = m ∙ (em) = m ∙ 1P = m

Next, we have to show that if any map

j: Y –> A


fj = j

then there is exactly one map

k: Y –> P


j = mk

First, we need a map from Y to P.  Given

j: Y –> A


e: A –> P

we can take the composite map

ej: Y –> A –> P

as the map k from Y to P i.e.

k = ej

and see if

mk = j

i.e. if

m ∙ (ej) = j

m ∙ (ej) = (me) ∙ j = fj = j

(since we are given fj = j).

Finally, we have to show that

k: Y –> P


mk = j

is unique i.e. if there is another map

k’: Y –> P


mk’ = j


k’ = k


mk’ = j = mk

post-composing with

e: A –> P

on both sides of

mk’ = mk

we find

e ∙ (mk’) = e ∙ (mk)

(em) ∙ k’ = (em) ∙ k

1Pk’ = 1Pk

k’ = k

Thus the section

m: P –> A

of the splitting of an idempotent

f = me: A –> P –> A

is an equalizer of

f, 1A: A –> A

Tailpiece: An equalizer of two idempotents

f, f’: A –> A

with a common section i.e.

f = me

f’ = me’

is the common section

m: P –> A

True or false? (For some reason, I’m not my usual verbose self :(  I’ll back soon to spice-up the story all the way to cohesion vs. quality of reflexive graphs vs. idempotents via points and pieces functors constructed in terms of equalizers and coequalizers.)
